Ok, so I borrowed an awesome photo of
Matt Olsen's1952 WR build and used it as a base to get a visual out of my brian. The photo was taken by
Joseph Emmett Mielke Photography (www.bigjoephoto.com), a bunch of awesome shots there if you are looking for more. I've been staring at all of them for over a year now! I like to try to stick to a focus and an end goal with the understanding that things will change as the bikes usually end up building themselves. But with a plan in hand, at least I can channel all my resources and time towards a target. I've got most of these parts or equivalents now. Still working out some details in my head before bringing the last bits to
Jason's place. If anyones got a line on a WR seat and pad let me know. Second photo here is some photoshopping, my parts are a lot more weathered but this is where it's going . . . when I look at the lines on the original it's really hard to beat the way this bike came out originally.
Matt's Awesome Build
Hon's 45 photoshop brain dump
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Matt Olsen
September 18, 2014
Hi Hon,
V twin makes a nice krtt pan that will work for your needs. it is actually an entire seat, with dull black leather that looks kind of cheap, but the pans are nice. Or you could cut down a stock pan which is what hd did. Have fun and keep up the good work
Matt Olsen