Dropped by to visit Jason to drop off some goodies I picked up for him from the Born Free show. Go to catch up with him as usual. His Pan is awesome. Ready for paint real soon.
Jeremiah of Love Cycles rode into the show from Arizona for Born Free 2. He was in great spirits while chatting with me even though his tranny blew up just 20 miles from the show. His bikes are awesome, check out Love Cycles Blog.
I met so many people at Born Free, hard to keep track. Nao from The Speed Age was super cool. So much to see at the show, I lost track of everyone, hope to be able to keep in touch with some of you some how. Thanks Nao! Checked out your blog and grabbed the first photo.
Crowd favorites for sure. Max brought these 2 bikes and his work was represented on others as well. I was so happy to see the 4Q bike, it inspired me way back. It's got a great feel. More 4Q photos to come.
I regret not capturing more shots of the mood and crowd at the show. I was just overwhelmed with everything to look at and see, mostly took pics of bikes. Here are 2 great shots first fromHalf Moon Garage and second from Born Loser Blog.