Roller Magazine and Ripper did not disappoint. I had to cave in and order. Fun times reading at Jason's with him and Lyndsey. If you haven't seen one of these mags, go out and get some!
Great to see Jason build these bikes up from scratch. I asked him to try Pat's shovel out for size. He done some awesome fab work on this bike, it's going to be another fun one!
Great to drop by Jason's the other day. Stopped into the parts room for a bit, it's overwhelming . . .
Always cool to see Jason's work, narrowed tank for Pat's Shovel. Awesome!
I spy Al's Pan amongst the row of bikes at JPRC. Going to be awesome.
Another motor all buttoned up and table of flywheels awaiting some last work at Jason's.
This bike in Jason's office gets a lot of looks and comments, it's gone through many mockups and will be on it's way soon, going to be fantastic.