I posted a CB Chop post a while ago. Jason sent me a few shots of some progress that he has made on the frame. Almost there a little more to go.
Here is a before shot, already looks like a good stance, but when you put the motor in you will notice room for improvement. Jason is going to tighten everything up around the motor and give it even better lines.
Let the chopping begin! Jason is a true craftsman, very anal about everything. This frame will rock.
Something about the finish of things just the way you find them. I think Jason's Wassel looks great exactly like this. Maybe because I had my tank painted right away and didn't have a chance to bond with the rawness. Make sense?
My old Keihin Carburator that came with my 74 Ironhead basket case. I swapped for a S&S Super E.
I like ripping into things when there is no risk to learn. This pic is before I started tearing it up so see how everything hangs together.
This is the cool air cleaner that came with it. Will consider running one day.