This DicE sticker on Jason's bike sums it up for the guys today, it was cold but everyone was riding hard.
Jason's Greasy Little Fucker out for a late season ride!
I love this tank artwork by Bob, he said it was an Ed Hardy Geisha that he thought would work awesome on Chris's Honda instead of a traditional Vargas Pinup. Good call Bob!
Here are a few shots of Greg's BSA. Really nice stance, sounded great and had some very cool details.
Greg and Jason, chatting bikes.
From Hotsos - Toronto Screening of Harbortown Bobber Event
Hotsos from JJ hosted a cool event today at his office. Meet some cool guys, checked out their bikes, saw the Harbortown Bobber and had a chance to see Hotsos's really cool space. Will post some shots tonight.
Loved the finned sporty primary covers. Wish I could get my hands on one.
Jason scored one for the bike he built for rippodippo.
This is a cool cover too. Looks to be fore the early ironheads.