This is going to be one great show. Check out all the sponsors, 55 in total. Very happy to be part of this group and to be able to help out all the way from East Coast Canada.
Cleaning up the garage yesterday and couldn't resist (and running out of things to post at the moment). Looks like there might be one more cold spell on the way and then spring!
I wish my build was making the same progress as this model, they are hauling on it over at Here's an image of 18r and 21f.
Wow, I have not seen this bike. Posted by Nobbi at Full Throttle or Bust blog, came accross it while on the Greasy Kulture blog yesterday.
pic from Nobbi @ 2005 Coolbreakers Yokohama
Dave at Detriot Bros picked this frame up for one hundred bones. He posted up at JJ, looks to be a Ron Finch creation. Man, I'm hot on my 45 racer build but when I see stuff like this . . . wow, very cool.
While chatting with Jason the subject of Tony Nancy came up.
Scan from
Dean's seat, photo from DicE blog
Scott Craig's Scallywag.
Haven't seen Jason for a while, decided to drop by quickly yesterday before dinner with my wife. Here's a few quick photos from the shop, didn't take too many shots, just chatting and catching up.
Shot of Jason's Pan bars, if you look in the background it's getting crowded in the shop.
I posted this before, quick mock up of a 1967 FLH, pretty neat looking.
1979 Ironhead for sale, contact Jason (
I'm thinking these will be almost impossible to come by. Looks like I'll need to ask Jason about narrowing up some tanks.
photo from an old jj post I think.